Thursday, 30 December 2010

day 3 - tokyo

Brekkie at Villa Fontaine Otemachi.

A sample breakfast is set up each day for foreigners.

This is our way down to the fish markets.

Took out extra insurance for skiing but we should have got it for Tsukiji fish markets. . .narrowly avoided huge crowd, speeding delivery carts and pimped out trucks!

This poor (clam) shucker is hunched over from many years of happy shucking!

We knew they were hiding it somewhere, whale bacon. 

Slabs of frozen swordfish ready to be cut with a chain saw.  

The asian series of 'Pimp My Ride'. This is the front of a truck transporting fish to the markets.

'Paur' opens the wardrobe to a new wonderland, but alas he finds yet more Ningas, 'Jaku' and 'Wirrim'

Squish the girls : (

This is the home of Asahi beer. The building on the left resembles a glass of beer with froth on top!
The building on the right is the beer hall, designed by Phillipe Starck

Another photo opportunity.

Large lantern at entrance of the temple.

Crowded street selling sourvenirs on the way to the temple.

Japanes donut - best way to describe them.  Yummy

Senso-Ji Temple. Originally built in 628.

Ally is drawing the insence towards her to heal her sore feet from walking so much! Justine also did a breast.

Flags for new year amongst the gardens at the temple.

Ally and Jeffrey enjoying sweet potato chips from a street vendor.

Row of old shops at Asakusa.  We also spotted a lady wearing kimono in a tea shop.

Craire and Ari are Ningas hiding behind a tree!

Jeffrey and 'Crive' fancy themsleves as rainbow groomsmen. Attempting to match suits with eye colour. Note: shop keeper in background with agitated disposition!

RAHH!!! Ningas are back hitting the streets of Asakusa (Oldest suburbs of Tokyo). . . to be continued . . .

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