Tuesday, 4 January 2011

day 8 - kyoto to takayama

After we checked out of the Ryokan in Kyoto this morning and headed down to the bus stop, Mrs Yamata followed us to the bus stop to say last goodbyes and bid us farewell again.  I think she was sorry to see the 12 Australian's go!

The kids amusing themselves on the first leg of the train trip from Kyoto to Nagoya.

The train ride from Nagoya to Takyama travelled along the Hida River (a National Treasure) for 12km.  The water was quite green and the rocks along the edge are called "gushing rocks".  Still trying to work out why.

Ally and I caught mid thought by the roaming photographer.

Ally and Claire found a new way to earn money for spending money.  They were running a head massage and foot massage business on the train.  Lee was first to take up the offer and also indulged in a hand and foot massage (from Ally - not shown in picture) to rehydrate her dry skin.

It wasn't long before we were back into snow country. It has been snowing on and off since we arrived in Takyama this afternoon.  When we came in this afternoon about 5pm it was still snowing so we expect that we should have another nice cover overnight.  All good for skiing in a couple of days!

The Rickshaw Inn is our home for Tackyama.  It is such a great place.  We are actually sitting in the lounge area at the moment doing the blog.  All our rooms take up one floor so we shouldn't annoy too many people.  Except the boys.  The are in their own house on the ground floor. Pure luxury for four feral boys!

Claire and Ally heading out for a bite to eat.

A monkey on the bridge imitating Clive.

Jack and Ally on Papa Bears chair and Goldilocks found one "just right"!

Hida Beef Steam Buns for lunch. The Takyama region is renowned for Japan's best beef, Hida Beef. Also the Sake (yet to try), which is made from the melted snow from the mountains.

Sam hiding from the elements in downtown Takyama.

Paul and Jack meet again.

One of the original merchant streets which we will see in detail tomorrow.

The kids indulging in hot chocolates in a cosy coffee shop after lunch.

The Callum's  having some family time.

The boys having some downtime in the their own personal temple.

Clive and Justine's traditional Japanese room at the Rickshaw Inn.

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